Our headquarters is located in Brisbane, Australia and we have currently 40 branches in Australia.
We also have representation by way of franchises, joint ventures and licensees throughout Asia and the Middle East in the following countries:
Scientific Pest Management International Pty.,Ltd.
PO Box 174, Toowong
Brisbane, Queensland 4066
Tel: 617 38701433 Fax: 617 38705933 Mobile: 614 14748776
Email: spmi@ecn.net.au
Scientific Pest Management (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
4 Soi Amornphan 4, Viphavadee-rangsit Road
Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
Tel: 662-9413990
Fax: 662-9413901
Middle East - UAE:
c/o Royal Elegants Trading
Tel: 971 4 3475520
Hong Kong:
Scientific Pest Management (Hong Kong) Co.,Ltd.
World Wide Industrial Centre, Flat 14, 14/fl.
43-47 Shan Mei Street, Fo Tan, Shatin, Hong Kong
Tel: 852-2-6886628 Fax: 852-2-6886622
Email: evenlee@ctimail.com
Please contact SPM Australia at the above address.
Email: bill@spm.com
Please contact SPM Australia at the above address.
Email: bill@spm.com
Korea :
SucKwang B/D  No. 202
151-26 Samsung-Dong, Kangnam-Gu
Seoul 135-090, Korea

Phone: +82 2 4246111 Fax: +82 2 4253337
Email: korea@spm.com
c/o Biniris Asia Sdn., Bhd.
Tel: 604-8990773 Fax: 604-8999213 Mob: 012-4056377
Scientific Pest Management (Samoa)
Please contact SPM Australia at the above address
Email: samoa@spm.com